Acts Attentively Consider Covenant Cruel Cruelty Dark Dwellings Fill Full Habitations Haunts Honor Mind Places Pride Regard Respect Undertaking Violence

74:20 Have respect unto the covenant: for {o} the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.

(o) That is, all places where your word does not shine, there reigns tyranny and ambition.

74:20 The covenant - Made with Abraham, whereby thou didst give the land of Canaan to him, and to his seed for ever. Dark places - This dark and dismal land in which we live.

74:18-23 The psalmist begs that God would appear for the church against their enemies. The folly of such as revile his gospel and his servants will be plain to all. Let us call upon our God to enlighten the dark nations of the earth; and to rescue his people, that the poor and needy may praise his name. Blessed Saviour, thou art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Make thy people more than conquerors. Be thou, Lord, all in all to them in every situation and circumstances; for then thy poor and needy people will praise thy name.

Acts Attentively Consider Covenant Cruel Cruelty Dark Dwellings Earth Fill Full Habitations Haunts Honor Mind Places Pride Regard Respect Undertaking Violence

Acts Attentively Consider Covenant Cruel Cruelty Dark Dwellings Earth Fill Full Habitations Haunts Honor Mind Places Pride Regard Respect Undertaking Violence