Amid Amidst Ascended Cry Glad Horn Joy Shout Shouting Shouts Sounding Trumpet Trumpets

47:5 God is gone up with a shout, the LORD with the {d} sound of a trumpet.

(d) He alludes to the trumpets that were blown at solemn feasts: but he further signifies the triumph of Christ and his glorious ascension into the heavens.

47:5 God - This is meant literally of the ark: but mystically of Christ's ascension into heaven, as may be gathered by comparing this with Eph 4:8, where the like words uttered concerning the ark upon the same occasion, Psal 68:18, are directly applied to Christ's ascension.

47:5-9 Praise is a duty in which we ought to be frequent and abundant. But here is a needful rule; Sing ye praises with understanding. As those that understand why and for what reasons they praise God, and what is the meaning of the service. It is not an acceptable service, if it is not a reasonable service. We are never to forget the end of Messiah's exaltation, so continually do the prophets dwell upon the conversion of the nations to the gospel of Christ. Why do we vainly fancy that we belong to him, unless the Spirit reign in our hearts by faith? Lord, is it not thy glory and delight to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins, now that thou art exalted as a Prince and a Saviour? Set up thy kingdom in our hearts. Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. And so sweetly constrain all the powers and faculties of the souls of thy redeemed, into holy love, fear, and delight in thee, that praise with the understanding may rise from every heart, both here and for ever, to Thee, our God.

Amid Amidst Ascended Cry Glad Horn Joy Shout Shouting Shouts Sound Sounding Trumpet Trumpets

Amid Amidst Ascended Cry Glad Horn Joy Shout Shouting Shouts Sound Sounding Trumpet Trumpets