Asunder Bow Breaketh Breaks Broken Burn Burned Burneth Burns Carriage Causing Cease Chariot Chariots Cut Cuts Cutteth Ends Fire Makes Maketh Puts Shatters Shields Shivereth Spear Sunder Wars

46:9 To cease - He hath settled as in a firm and well - grounded peace. The land - Of Israel: from one end of it to the other. The bow - The bows and spears, and chariots of their enemies.

46:6-11 Come and see the effects of desolating judgments, and stand in awe of God. This shows the perfect security of the church, and is an assurance of lasting peace. Let us pray for the speedy approach of these glorious days, and in silent submission let us worship and trust in our almighty Sovereign. Let all believers triumph in this, that the Lord of hosts, the God of Jacob, has been, is, and will be with us; and will be our Refuge. Mark this, take the comfort, and say, If God be for us, who can be against us? With this, through life and in death, let us answer every fear.

Asunder Bow Breaketh Breaks Broken Burn Burned Burneth Burns Carriage Causing Cease Chariot Chariots Cut Cuts Cutteth Earth End Ends Fire Makes Maketh Puts Shatters Shields Shivereth Spear Sunder Wars

Asunder Bow Breaketh Breaks Broken Burn Burned Burneth Burns Carriage Causing Cease Chariot Chariots Cut Cuts Cutteth Earth End Ends Fire Makes Maketh Puts Shatters Shields Shivereth Spear Sunder Wars