Age Causest Face Forever Giving Hast Hold Integrity Presence Righteousness Settest Stand Support Upheld Uphold Upholdest

41:12 And as for me, thou upholdest me {h} in mine integrity, and settest me before thy {i} face for ever.

(h) Meaning, either in prosperity of life or in the true fear of God against all temptation.

(i) Showing me evident signs of your fatherly providence.

41:12 Settest - Or, hast confirmed me in thy presence, under thine eye and special care: to minister unto thee, as a king over thy people. And in regard of his posterity, the kingdom was established for ever.

41:5-13 We complain, and justly, of the want of sincerity, and that there is scarcely any true friendship to be found among men; but the former days were no better. One particularly, in whom David had reposed great confidence, took part with his enemies. And let us not think it strange, if we receive evil from those we suppose to be friends. Have not we ourselves thus broken our words toward God? We eat of his bread daily, yet lift up the heel against him. But though we may not take pleasure in the fall of our enemies, we may take pleasure in the making vain their designs. When we can discern the Lord's favour in any mercy, personal or public, that doubles it. If the grace of God did not take constant care of us, we should not be upheld. But let us, while on earth, give heartfelt assent to those praises which the redeemed on earth and in heaven render to their God and Saviour.

Age Causest Face Forever Hold Integrity Presence Righteousness Settest Stand Support Upheld Uphold

Age Causest Face Forever Hold Integrity Presence Righteousness Settest Stand Support Upheld Uphold