Ass Bit Bridle Check Controlled Curb Curbed Held Hold Horse Include Lest Mouth Mule Ornaments Otherwise Restraint Sense Trappings Understanding

32:9 Be ye not as the horse, [or] as the mule, [which] have no understanding: whose {i} mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee.

(i) If men can rule brute beasts, do they think that God will not bridle and tame their rage?

32:9 Will not - Unless they be forced to it by a bit or bridle. And so all the ancient translators understand it.

32:8-11 God teaches by his word, and guides with the secret intimations of his will. David gives a word of caution to sinners. The reason for this caution is, that the way of sin will certainly end in sorrow. Here is a word of comfort to saints. They may see that a life of communion with God is far the most pleasant and comfortable. Let us rejoice, O Lord Jesus, in thee, and in thy salvation; so shall we rejoice indeed.

Ass Bit Bridle Check Controlled Curb Held Hold Horse Include Mouth Mule Ornaments Otherwise Restraint Sense Understanding

Ass Bit Bridle Check Controlled Curb Held Hold Horse Include Mouth Mule Ornaments Otherwise Restraint Sense Understanding