Compass Compasseth Confideth Encompass Faith Full Kindness Lord's Love Loving Lovingkindness Loving-kindness Mercy Pains Pangs Round Sinner Sorrows Steadfast Surround Surrounds Trouble Trusteth Trusting Trusts Unfailing Wicked
32:10 Sorrows - This is an argument to enforce the foregoing admonition.
32:8-11 God teaches by his word, and guides with the secret intimations of his will. David gives a word of caution to sinners. The reason for this caution is, that the way of sin will certainly end in sorrow. Here is a word of comfort to saints. They may see that a life of communion with God is far the most pleasant and comfortable. Let us rejoice, O Lord Jesus, in thee, and in thy salvation; so shall we rejoice indeed.
Compass Compasseth Confideth Encompass Full Kindness Lord's Loving Mercy Pangs Round Sinner Sorrows Steadfast Surround Surrounds Trouble Trusteth Trusts Unfailing Wicked Woes
Compass Compasseth Confideth Encompass Full Kindness Lord's Loving Mercy Pangs Round Sinner Sorrows Steadfast Surround Surrounds Trouble Trusteth Trusts Unfailing Wicked Woes