Break Broken Crush Dash Earthenware Iron Pieces Potter Potter's Pottery Rod Rule Ruled Scepter Sceptre Shatter Vessel

2:9 Them - Those that will not quietly submit to thee, shall be crushed and destroyed by thee. This was in part fulfilled, when the Jews who persisted in unbelief, were destroyed by the Romans power: And in the destruction of the Pagan power, when the Christian religion came to be established. But it will not be compleatly fulfilled, 'till all opposing power and principality be put down.

2:7-9 The kingdom of the Messiah is founded upon an eternal decree of God the Father. This our Lord Jesus often referred to, as what he governed himself by. God hath said unto him, Thou art my Son, and it becomes each of us to say to him, Thou art my Lord, my Sovereign'. The Son, in asking the heathen for his inheritance, desires their happiness in him; so that he pleads for them, ever lives to do so, and is able to save to the uttermost, and he shall have multitudes of willing, loyal subjects, among them. Christians are the possession of the Lord Jesus; they are to him for a name and a praise. God the Father gives them to him, when, by his Spirit and grace, he works upon them to submit to the Lord Jesus.

Break Broken Crush Dash Earthenware Iron Pieces Potter Potter's Pottery Rod Rule Ruled Scepter Sceptre Shatter Vessel

Break Broken Crush Dash Earthenware Iron Pieces Potter Potter's Pottery Rod Rule Ruled Scepter Sceptre Shatter Vessel