Bands Bind Chains Fetters Honoured Iron Kings Nobles Ones Rulers Shackles

149:8 To bind {f} their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;

(f) Not only the people, but the kings who were their enemies should be destroyed.

149:6-9 Some of God's servants of old were appointed to execute vengeance according to his word. They did not do it from personal revenge or earthly politics, but in obedience to God's command. And the honour intended for all the saints of God, consists in their triumphs over the enemies of their salvation. Christ never intended his gospel should be spread by fire and sword, or his righteousness by the wrath of man. But let the high praises of God be in our mouths, while we wield the sword of the word of God, with the shield of faith, in warfare with the world, the flesh, and the devil. The saints shall be more than conquerors over the enemies of their souls, through the blood of the Lamb and the word of his testimony. The completing of this will be in the judgement of the great day. Then shall the judgement be executed. Behold Jesus, and his gospel church, chiefly in her millennial state. He and his people rejoice in each other; by their prayers and efforts they work with him, while he goes forth in the chariots of salvation, conquering sinners by grace, or in chariots of vengeance, to destroy his enemies.

Bands Bind Chains Fetters Honoured Iron Kings Nobles Ones Rulers Shackles

Bands Bind Chains Fetters Honoured Iron Kings Nobles Ones Rulers Shackles