Age Endures Endureth Everlasting Forever Forth Kindness Love Loving Lovingkindness Loving-kindness Mercy Spread Spreading Steadfast Stretched Unchanging Waters

136:6 To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his {b} mercy [endureth] for ever.

(b) This was a common kind of thanksgiving, which the whole people used, when they had received any benefit from God, as in 2Ch 7:6,20:21, meaning that God was not only merciful to their fathers, but also continued the same to their posterity.

136:1-9 Forgetful as we are, things must be often repeated to us. By mercy we understand the Lord's disposition to save those whom sin has rendered miserable and vile, and all the provision he has made for the redemption of sinners by Jesus Christ. The counsels of this mercy have been from everlasting, and the effects of it will endure for ever, to all who are interested in it. The Lord continues equally ready to show mercy to all who seek for it, and this is the source of all our hope and comfort.

Earth Endures Endureth Everlasting Forever Forth Kindness Loving Loving-Kindness Mercy Spread Spreading Steadfast Stretched Unchanging Waters

Earth Endures Endureth Everlasting Forever Forth Kindness Loving Loving-Kindness Mercy Spread Spreading Steadfast Stretched Unchanging Waters