Doors Enter Gates Jah Open Praise Righteousness Thank Thanks Yah

118:19 Open to me the {i} gates of righteousness: I will go into them, [and] I will praise the LORD:

(i) He wills the doors of the tabernacle to be opened, that he may declare his thankful mind.

118:19 Open - O ye porters, appointed by God for this work. The gates - Of the Lord's tabernacle: where the rule of righteousness was kept and taught, and the sacrifices of righteousness were offered.

118:19-29 Those who saw Christ's day at so great a distance, saw cause to praise God for the prospect. The prophecy, ver.

Doors Enter Gates Jah Open Praise Righteousness Thank Thanks Yah

Doors Enter Gates Jah Open Praise Righteousness Thank Thanks Yah