Better Bright Fine Gain Gaining Getting Gold Greater Increase Merchandise Profit Return Returns Revenue Silver Thereof Trading Yields

3:13-20 No precious jewels or earthly treasures are worthy to be compared with true wisdom, whether the concerns of time or eternity be considered. We must make wisdom our business; we must venture all in it, and be willing to part with all for it. This Wisdom is the Lord Jesus Christ and his salvation, sought and obtained by faith and prayer. Were it not for unbelief, remaining sinfulness, and carelessness, we should find all our ways pleasantness, and our paths peace, for his are so; but we too often step aside from them, to our own hurt and grief. Christ is that Wisdom, by whom the worlds were made, and still are in being; happy are those to whom he is made of God wisdom. He has wherewithal to make good all his promises.

Better Bright Fine Gain Gaining Getting Gold Good Greater Increase Merchandise Profit Profitable Returns Revenue Silver Thereof Trading Yields

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