Bribes Desires Establisheth Exacteth Exacts Full Gifts Gives Greedy Judgment Justice Makes Overthroweth Overthrows Receiveth Receiving Ruins Rule Safe Stability Stable Takes Taketh Tears Throweth Waste

29:4 Judgment - By the free and impartial exercise of justice. Gifts - Bribes.

29:1 If God wounds, who can heal? The word of God warns all to flee from the wrath to come, to the hope set before us in Jesus Christ. 2. The people have cause to rejoice or mourn, as their rulers are righteous or wicked. 3. Divine wisdom best keeps us from ruinous lusts. 4. The Lord Jesus is the King who will minister true judgment to the people. 5. Flatterers put men off their guard, which betrays them into foolish conduct. 6. Transgressions always end in vexations. Righteous men walk at liberty, and walk in safety. 7. This verse is applicable to compassion for the distress of the poor, and the unfeeling disregard shown by the wicked. 8. The scornful mock at things sacred and serious. Men who promote religion, which is true wisdom, turn away the wrath of God. 9. If a wise man dispute with a conceited wrangler, he will be treated with anger or ridicule; and no good is done. 10. Christ told his disciples that they should be hated of all men. The just, whom the blood-thirsty hate, gladly do any thing for their salvation.

Bribes Country Desires Establisheth Exacteth Exacts Full Gifts Gives Greedy Judgment Justice Makes Overthroweth Overthrows Receiveth Receiving Right Ruins Rule Safe Stability Stable Tears Throweth Waste

Bribes Country Desires Establisheth Exacteth Exacts Full Gifts Gives Greedy Judgment Justice Makes Overthroweth Overthrows Receiveth Receiving Right Ruins Rule Safe Stability Stable Tears Throweth Waste