Cherishes Gets Getteth Getting Heart Keepeth Keeping Keeps Love Loves Loveth Loving Prosper Prospers Sense Soul Truly Understanding Wisdom

19:8 He that getteth wisdom {b} loveth his own soul: he that keepeth understanding shall find good.

(b) He that is upright in judgment finds favour from God.

19:3. Men run into troubles by their own folly, and then fret at the appointments of God. 4. Here we may see how strong is men's love of money. 5. Those that tell lies in discourse, are in a fair way to be guilty of bearing false-witness. 6. We are without excuse if we do not love God with all our hearts. His gifts to us are past number, and all the gifts of men to us are fruits of his bounty. 7. Christ was left by all his disciples; but the Father was with him. It encourages our faith that he had so large an experience of the sorrows of poverty. 8. Those only love their souls aright that get true wisdom. 9. Lying is a damning, destroying sin. 10. A man that has not wisdom and grace, has no right or title to true joy. It is very unseemly for one who is a servant to sin, to oppress God's free-men.

Cherishes Find Gets Getteth Getting Good Heart Keepeth Keeping Keeps Loves Loving Prosper Prospers Sense Soul Understanding Wisdom

Cherishes Find Gets Getteth Getting Good Heart Keepeth Keeping Keeps Loves Loving Prosper Prospers Sense Soul Understanding Wisdom