Backs Beatings Blows Condemnation Flogging Foolish Fools Judgments Mockers Penalties Prepared Pride Ready Rods Scoffers Scorners Stripes

19:29 Prepared - Although they be deferred for a time, yet they are treasured up for them.

19:29. The unbelief of man shall not make God's threatenings of no effect. Christ himself, when bearing sins not his own, was not spared. Justice and judgment took hold of our blessed Surety; and will God spare obstinate sinners?

Backs Beatings Blows Condemnation Flogging Foolish Fools Judgments Mockers Prepared Pride Ready Rods Scoffers Scorners Stripes

Backs Beatings Blows Condemnation Flogging Foolish Fools Judgments Mockers Prepared Pride Ready Rods Scoffers Scorners Stripes