Break Defies Desire Ends Estranged Goes Intermeddleth Judgment Keeps Object Pleasure Pretexts Private Purpose Pursues Quarrels Rageth Seek Seeketh Seeks Selfish Selfishness Sense Separate Separated Separates Separateth Snarlest Unfriendly Vehement Wisdom

18:1 Through desire a man, having {a} separated himself, seeketh [and] intermeddleth with all wisdom.

(a) He who loves wisdom will separate himself from all impediments, and give himself wholly to seek it.

18:1 Desire - Thro' desire of wisdom, a man having separated himself from the company, and noise, and business of the world, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom, uses all diligence, that he may search and find out all solid knowledge and true wisdom.

18:1 If we would get knowledge and grace, we must try all methods of improving ourselves. 2. Those make nothing to purpose, of learning or religion, whose only design is to have something to make a show with. 3. As soon as sin entered, shame followed.

Break Desire Estranged Goes Good Intermeddleth Judgment Keeps Pleasure Pretexts Private Purpose Pursues Quarrels Rageth Seeketh Seeks Selfish Selfishness Sense Separate Separated Separates Separateth Sound Vehement Wisdom

Break Desire Estranged Goes Good Intermeddleth Judgment Keeps Pleasure Pretexts Private Purpose Pursues Quarrels Rageth Seeketh Seeks Selfish Selfishness Sense Separate Separated Separates Separateth Sound Vehement Wisdom