Attention Attentive Damaging Deceit Destructive Doer Ear Evil Evildoer Evil-doer Falsehood Gives Giveth Giving Heed Heeds Iniquitous Liar Lips Listens Malicious Mischievous Naughty Pays Tongue Vanity Wicked Wrongdoer

17:4 False lips - To false accusations and calumnies, which give him occasion and encouragement to do mischief.

17:4. Flatterers, especially false teachers, are welcome to those that live in sin. 5. Those that laugh at poverty, treat God's providence and precepts with contempt. 6. It is an honour to children to have wise and godly parents continued to them, even after they are grown up and settled in the world. 7. A fool, in Solomon's Proverbs, signifies a wicked man, whom excellent speech does not become, because his conversation contradicts it.

Attention Attentive Damaging Deceit Destructive Doer Ear Evil Evildoer Evil-Doer False. Falsehood Gives Heed Heeds Iniquitous Lips Malicious Mischievous Naughty Pays Tongue Vanity Wicked Wrongdoer

Attention Attentive Damaging Deceit Destructive Doer Ear Evil Evildoer Evil-Doer False. Falsehood Gives Heed Heeds Iniquitous Lips Malicious Mischievous Naughty Pays Tongue Vanity Wicked Wrongdoer