Aching Breaks Broken Cheerful Countenance Crushes Face Glad Grief Heart Heartache Joyful Makes Maketh Merry Sad Shining Smitten Sorrow Spirit

15:11. There is nothing that can be hid from the eyes of God, not even man's thoughts. 12. A scorner cannot bear to reflect seriously within his own heart. 13. A gloomy, impatient, unthankful spirit, springing from pride and undue attachment to worldly objects, renders a man uneasy to himself and others.

Breaks Broken Cheerful Countenance Crushes Face Glad Grief Happy Heart Joyful Makes Maketh Merry Sad Shining Smitten Sorrow Spirit

Breaks Broken Cheerful Countenance Crushes Face Glad Grief Happy Heart Joyful Makes Maketh Merry Sad Shining Smitten Sorrow Spirit