Blameless Error Evil-doers Guardeth Guards Integrity Keepeth Keeps Offering Overthroweth Overthrows Overturned Perfect Preserveth Righteousness Safe Sin Sinner Subverts Upright Wicked Wickedness

13:6 Keepeth him - From that over - throw which befal sinners.

13:6. An honest desire to do right, preserves a man from fatal mistakes, better than a thousand fine-drawn distinctions. 7. Some who are really poor, trade and spend as if they were rich: this is sin, and will be shame, and it will end accordingly. Some that are really rich, would be thought to be poor: in this there is want of gratitude to God, want of justice and charity to others. There are many hypocrites, empty of grace, who will not be convinced of their poverty. There are many fearing Christians, who are spiritually rich, yet think themselves poor; by their doubts, and complaints, and griefs, they make themselves poor. 8. Great riches often tempt to violence against those that possess them; but the poor are free from such perils. 9. The light of the righteous is as that of the sun, which may be eclipsed and clouded, but will continue: the Spirit is their Light, he gives a fulness of joy: that of the wicked is as a lamp of their own kindling, easily put out. 10. All contentions, whether between private persons, families, churches, or nations, are begun and carried forward by pride. Disputes would be easily prevented or ended, if it were not for pride. 11. Wealth gotten by dishonesty or vice, has a secret curse, which will speedily waste it. 12. The delay of what is anxiously hoped for, is very painful to the mind; obtaining it is very pleasant. But spiritual blessings are chiefly intended.

Blameless Error Evil-Doers Guardeth Guards Integrity Keepeth Keeps Offering Overthroweth Overthrows Overturned Perfect Preserveth Righteousness Safe Sin Sinner Subverts Upright Way Wicked Wickedness

Blameless Error Evil-Doers Guardeth Guards Integrity Keepeth Keeps Offering Overthroweth Overthrows Overturned Perfect Preserveth Righteousness Safe Sin Sinner Subverts Upright Way Wicked Wickedness