Deed Deeds Doings Filled Fruit Full Hands Lips Man's Measure Mouth Recompence Recompense Rendered Return Returneth Rewarded Rewards Satisfied Surely

12:14 Mouth - By his pious and profitable discourses. Hands - Of his actions.

12:14. When men use their tongues aright, to teach and comfort others, they enjoy acceptance through Christ Jesus; and the testimony of their conscience, that they in some measure answer the end of their being. 15. A fool, in the sense of Scripture, means a wicked man, one who acts contrary to the wisdom that is from above. His rule is, to do what is right in his own eyes.

Deed Deeds Doings Filled Food Fruit Full Good Hand Hands Lips Mouth Recompence Recompense Rendered Returneth Rewarded Rewards Satisfied Surely Words Work

Deed Deeds Doings Filled Food Fruit Full Good Hand Hands Lips Mouth Recompence Recompense Rendered Returneth Rewarded Rewards Satisfied Surely Words Work