Christ Christ's Concerns Everybody Interests Seek Theirs

2:21 For {r} all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.

(r) The most part.

2:21 For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's. Others, who were at hand, were more mindful of their own interests than of Christ's cause. We infer from this that of his faithful fellow- preachers none were in Rome save Timothy.

2:21 For all - But Timotheus. Seek their own - Ease, safety, pleasure, or profit. Amazing! In that golden age of the church, could St. Paul throughly approve of one only, among all the labourers that were with him? Php 1:14,17. And how many do we think can now approve themselves to God? Not the things of Jesus Christ - They who seek these alone, will sadly experience this. They will find few helpers likeminded with themselves, willing naked to follow a naked Master.

2:19-30 It is best with us, when our duty becomes natural to us. Naturally, that is, sincerely, and not in pretence only; with a willing heart and upright views. We are apt to prefer our own credit, ease, and safety, before truth, holiness, and duty; but Timothy did not so. Paul desired liberty, not that he might take pleasure, but that he might do good. Epaphroditus was willing to go to the Philippians, that he might be comforted with those who had sorrowed for him when he was sick. It seems, his illness was caused by the work of God. The apostle urges them to love him the more on that account. It is doubly pleasant to have our mercies restored by God, after great danger of their removal; and this should make them more valued. What is given in answer to prayer, should be received with great thankfulness and joy.

Christ Christ's Concerns Interests Jesus Looks Seek Theirs Whole

Christ Christ's Concerns Interests Jesus Looks Seek Theirs Whole