Aaron Carts Direction Eight Ithamar Ith'amar Merari Merar'i Merarites Oxen Priest Required Service Sons Waggons Wagons

7:1-9 The offering of the princes to the service of the tabernacle was not made till it was fully set up. Necessary observances must always take place of free-will offerings. The more any are advanced, the greater opportunity they have of serving God and their generation. No sooner was the tabernacle set up, than provision is made for the removal of it. Even when but just settled in the world, we must be preparing for changes and removes, especially for the great change.

Aaron Carts Direction Eight Four Hand Ithamar Ith'amar Merari Merar'i Merarites Oxen Priest Required Service Waggons Wagons Work

Aaron Carts Direction Eight Four Hand Ithamar Ith'amar Merari Merar'i Merarites Oxen Priest Required Service Waggons Wagons Work
