Booty Captive Captives Captured Cattle Flocks Goods Herds Infants Livestock Midian Mid'ian Midianite Ones Plunder Plundered Prey Prisoner Sons Spoil Substance Themselves Wealth Women

31:7-12 The Israelites slew the Kings of Midian. They slew Balaam. God's overruling providence brought him thither, and their just vengeance found him. Had he himself rightly believed what he had said of the happy state of Israel, he would not have thus herded with the enemies of Israel. The Midianites' wicked wiles were Balaam's projects: it was just that he should perish with them, Ho 4:5. They took the women and children captives. They burnt their cities and castles, and returned to the camp.

Booty Captive Captives Captured Cattle Children Herds Infants Israel Israelites Little Midian Mid'ian Midianite Ones Plundered Prey Prisoner Spoil Substance Wealth Women

Booty Captive Captives Captured Cattle Children Herds Infants Israel Israelites Little Midian Mid'ian Midianite Ones Plundered Prey Prisoner Spoil Substance Wealth Women