Apart Belonging Divided Fighting Fighting-men Half Halved Israelites Israel's Kept Separate Separated Served Sons Taking War War- Warred

31:42 And of the children of Israel's {o} half, which Moses divided from the men that warred,

(o) Of that part which was given to them in dividing the spoil.

31:25-47 Whatever we have, God justly claims a part. Out of the people's share God required one in fifty, but out of the soldiers' share only one in five hundred. The less opportunity we have of honouring God with personal services, the more should we give in money or value.

Apart Belonging Children Divided Half Halved Israel Israelites Israel's Kept Moses Separate Separated Served War Warred

Apart Belonging Children Divided Half Halved Israel Israelites Israel's Kept Moses Separate Separated Served War Warred
