Amramite Amramites Belonged Clans Families Family Hebronite Hebronites He'bronites Izeharites Izharite Izharites Izhar'ites Kohath Kohathite Kohathites Ko'hathites Uzzielite Uzzielites Uzzie'lites

3:27 Of Kohath - This family had many privileges above the others: of that were Moses and Aaron, and all the priests: they had the chief place about the tabernacle, and the care of the most holy things here, and in the land of Canaan they had twenty three cities, which were almost as many as both their brethren received. Yet the posterity of Moses were not at all dignified or distinguished from other Levites. So far was he from seeking any advantage or honour for his own family.

3:14-39 The Levites were in three classes, according to the sons of Levi; Gershon, Kohath, and Merari; and these were subdivided into families. The posterity of Moses were not at all honoured or privileged, but stood upon the level with other Levites; thus it was plain, that Moses did not seek the advancement of his own family, or to secure any honours to it. The tribe of Levi was by much the least of all the tribes. God's chosen are but a little flock in comparison with the world.

Amramite Amramites Belonged Clans Families Family Hebronite Hebronites He'bronites Izharites Kohathite Kohathites Ko'hathites Uzzielite Uzzielites Uzzie'lites

Amramite Amramites Belonged Clans Families Family Hebronite Hebronites He'bronites Izharites Kohathite Kohathites Ko'hathites Uzzielite Uzzielites Uzzie'lites