Amram Begat Begot Begotten Clan Clans Families Family Forefather Hebronite Hebronites He'bronites Kohath Korahite Korahites Ko'rahites Korathite Korathites Levi Levite Levites Libnite Libnites Mahlite Mahlites Mushite Mushites

26:57-62 Levi was God's tribe; therefore it was not numbered with the rest, but alone. It came not under the sentence, that none of them should enter Canaan excepting Caleb and Joshua.

Amram Begat Begot Begotten Clan Clans Hebronite Hebronites He'bronites Kohath Korahite Korahites Ko'rahites Levi Levite Mahlite Mahlites Mushite Mushites

Amram Begat Begot Begotten Clan Clans Hebronite Hebronites He'bronites Kohath Korahite Korahites Ko'rahites Levi Levite Mahlite Mahlites Mushite Mushites