Along Arad Atharim Attacked Canaanite Captive Captured Dwelling Dwelt Ears Fighteth Fought Heareth Israelites Negeb Negev Prisoners Road South Spies Taketh

21:1 And [when] king Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south, heard tell that Israel came by the {a} way of the spies; then he fought against Israel, and took [some] of them prisoners.

(a) By that way which their spies, that searched the dangers found to he most safe.

21:1 King Arad - Or rather, the Canaanite King of Arad: for Arad is not the name of a man, but of a city or territory. And he seems to be called a Canaanite in a general sense, as the Amorites and others. The south - Of Canaan, towards the east, and near the dead sea. Of the spies - Not of those spies which Moses sent to spy the land, for that was done thirty eight years before this, and they went so privately, that the Canaanites took no notice of them, nor knew which way they came or went; but of the spies which he himself sent out to observe the marches and motions of the Israelites. Took some of them prisoners - Which God permitted for Israel's humiliation, and to teach them not to expect the conquest of that land from their own wisdom or valour.

21:1-3 Before the people began their march round the country of Edom, the king of Arad, a Canaanite, who inhabited the southern part of the country, attacked them in the wilderness, and took some prisoners. This was to lead the Israelites to look more thoroughly to the Lord.

Arad Attacked Captive Captured Dwelling Dwelt Ears Heard Heareth Israel Israelites Negeb Negev Prisoners Road South Spies Way

Arad Attacked Captive Captured Dwelling Dwelt Ears Heard Heareth Israel Israelites Negeb Negev Prisoners Road South Spies Way