Bare Bearing Bore Carried Carrying Forward Gershon Gershonites Journeyed Merari Merar'i Merarites Moved Moving Responsible Sons Tabernacle

10:17 And the tabernacle was taken down; and the sons of Gershon and the sons of Merari set forward, bearing {g} the tabernacle.

(g) With all the belongings of it.

10:11-28 After the Israelites had continued nearly a year at mount Sinai, and all was settled respecting their future worship, they began their march to Canaan. True religion begins with the knowledge of the holy law of God, and humiliation for sin, but we must go on towards perfection, in acquaintance with Christ and his gospel, and those effectual encouragements, motives, and assistances to holiness, which it proposes. They took their journey according to the commandment of the Lord, De 1:6-8, and as the cloud led them. Those who give themselves to the direction of God's word and Spirit, steer a steady course, even when they seem bewildered. While they are sure they cannot lose their God and Guide, they need not fear losing their way. They went out of the wilderness of Sinai, and rested in the wilderness of Paran. All our removes in this world are but from one wilderness to another. The changes we think will be for the better do not always prove so. We shall never be at rest, never at home, till we come to heaven, but all will be well there.

Bare Bearing Bore Carried Carrying House Journeyed Responsible

Bare Bearing Bore Carried Carrying House Journeyed Responsible