Anger Angry Blot Blotted Builders Building Cover Covered Demoralized Face Forgive Guilt Iniquity Insults Over-against Provoked Sight Sin Sins Thrown Vexed Washed Wrongdoing

4:5 And cover not their {e} iniquity, and let not their sin be blotted out from before thee: for they have provoked [thee] to anger before the builders.

(e) Let the plagues declare to the world that they set themselves against you and your Church: that he prays only having respect for God's glory and not for any private affection, or grudge.

4:5 Cover not - Let their wickedness be in thy sight, so as to bring down judgments upon them, that either they may be reformed, or others may be warned by their example. God is said to cover or hide sin when he forbears to punish it. Provoked thee - They have not only provoked us builders, but thee also.

4:1-6 Many a good work has been looked upon with contempt by proud and haughty scorners. Those who disagree in almost every thing, will unite in persecution. Nehemiah did not answer these fools according to their folly, but looked up to God by prayer. God's people have often been a despised people, but he hears all the slights that are put upon them, and it is their comfort that he does so. Nehemiah had reason to think that the hearts of those sinners were desperately hardened, else he would not have prayed that their sins might never be blotted out. Good work goes on well, when people have a mind to it. The reproaches of enemies should quicken us to our duty, not drive us from it.

Anger Blot Blotted Builders Building Cover Covered Demoralized Face Forgive Guilt Iniquity Insults Over-Against Provoked Sight Sin Sins Thrown Vexed Washed Wrongdoing

Anger Blot Blotted Builders Building Cover Covered Demoralized Face Forgive Guilt Iniquity Insults Over-Against Provoked Sight Sin Sins Thrown Vexed Washed Wrongdoing