Broken Burned Consumed Destroyed Direction Doorway Doorways Dragon Dragon's Dragon-well Dung Dung-gate Dunghill Dung-port Examining Fire Fountain Front Gate Gates Inspected Inspecting Jackal Jackal-fountain Jackal's Jerusalem Material Measuring Past Port Refuse Ruins Thereof Valley Valley-gate Viewed Viewing Walls Waste Water-spring

2:13 I went - The footmen who accompanied him directing and leading him in the way. His design was to go round the city, to observe the compass and condition of the walls and gates, that he might make sufficient provisions for the work.

2:9-18 When Nehemiah had considered the matter, he told the Jews that God had put it into his heart to build the wall of Jerusalem. He does not undertake to do it without them. By stirring up ourselves and one another to that which is good, we strengthen ourselves and one another for it. We are weak in our duty, when we are cold and careless.

Broken Consumed Destroyed Direction Doorways Dragon Dung Dunghill Far Fire Fountain Front Gate Gates Inspected Inspecting Jackal Jerusalem Material Night Past Port Refuse Ruins Thereof Valley Viewed Walls Waste Water-Spring

Broken Consumed Destroyed Direction Doorways Dragon Dung Dunghill Far Fire Fountain Front Gate Gates Inspected Inspecting Jackal Jerusalem Material Night Past Port Refuse Ruins Thereof Valley Viewed Walls Waste Water-Spring