Admitted Age Aloud Ammonite Assembly Audience Book Congregation Ears Enter Forever Hearing Meeting Moabite Reading Therein Written

13:1 That day - Not presently after the dedication of the wall and city, but upon a certain day, when Nehemiah was returned from the Persian court to Jerusalem, from which he had been absent for some considerable time, in which some errors and abuses had crept in. Not come - Not be incorporated into the common - wealth of Israel, nor be joined with any Israelite in marriage.

13:1-9 Israel was a peculiar people, and not to mingle with the nations. See the benefit of publicly reading the word of God; when it is duly attended to, it discovers to us sin and duty, good and evil, and shows wherein we have erred. We profit, when we are thus wrought upon to separate from evil. Those that would drive sin out of their hearts, the living temples, must throw out its household stuff, and all the provision made for it; and take away all the things that are the food and fuel of lust; this is really to mortify it. When sin is cast out of the heart by repentance, let the blood of Christ be applied to it by faith, then let it be furnished with the graces of God's Spirit, for every good work.

Admitted Age Aloud Ammonite Assembly Audience Book Congregation Ears Enter Forever Found Hearing Meeting Moabite Moses Read Reading Therein Written

Admitted Age Aloud Ammonite Assembly Audience Book Congregation Ears Enter Forever Found Hearing Meeting Moabite Moses Read Reading Therein Written