Accompaniment Brass Bring Celebrate Corded Cymbals Dedication Feast Giving Gladness Harps Hold Holy Hymns Instruments Jerusalem Joy Joyfully Levites Lutes Lyres Melody Music Places Praise Psalteries Singing Songs Sought Stringed Thanks Thanksgiving Thanksgivings Wall

12:27 The wall - Of the city itself, which is here dedicated to God, and to his honour and service, not only upon a general account, by which we ought to devote ourselves, and all that is ours, to God; but upon a more special ground, because this was a place which God himself had chosen, and sanctified by his temple and gracious presence, and therefore did of right belong to him; whence it is often called the holy city. And they restored it to God by this dedication, withal imploring the presence, and favour, and blessing of to this city by solemn prayers, and praises, and sacrifices, wherewith this dedication was accompanied. Places - To which they were now retired after that great and general assembly, chap. 8, 9, and 10. Ne 8:1 and c.

12:27-43 All our cities, all our houses, must have holiness to the Lord written upon them. The believer should undertake nothing which he does not dedicate to the Lord. We are concerned to cleanse our hands, and purify our hearts, when any work for God is to pass through them. Those that would be employed to sanctify others, must sanctify themselves, and set themselves apart for God. To those who are sanctified, all their creature-comforts and enjoyments are made holy. The people greatly rejoiced. All that share in public mercies, ought to join in public thanksgivings.

Celebrate Corded Cymbals Dedication Feast Gladness Harps Holy Hymns Instruments Jerusalem Joy Joyfully Levites Melody Music Places Praise Psalteries Singing Songs Sought Stringed Thanks Thanksgiving Thanksgivings Wall

Celebrate Corded Cymbals Dedication Feast Gladness Harps Holy Hymns Instruments Jerusalem Joy Joyfully Levites Melody Music Places Praise Psalteries Singing Songs Sought Stringed Thanks Thanksgiving Thanksgivings Wall