Begat Begot Begotten Eliashib Eli'ashib Jeshua Joiada Joi'ada Joiakim Joi'akim

12:10 Jeshua - Here follows a catalogue of the Jewish high - priests; which was the more necessary, because their times were now to be measured, not by the years of their kings as formerly, but by their high - priests.

12:1-26 It is a debt we owe to faithful ministers, to remember our guides, who have spoken to us the word of God. It is good to know what our godly predecessors were, that we may learn what we should be.

Begat Begot Begotten Eliashib Eli'ashib Jeshua Joiada Joi'ada Joiakim Joi'akim

Begat Begot Begotten Eliashib Eli'ashib Jeshua Joiada Joi'ada Joiakim Joi'akim