Acts Balaam Balak Beor Be'or Consulted Counsel Counseled Designed Devised Events Gilgal Journey Mind Moab O Order Remember Righteous Righteousness Saving Shittim Upright

6:5 O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from {c} Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the {d} righteousness of the LORD.

(c) That is, remember my benefits from the beginning, how I delivered you from Balaam's curse, and also spared you from Shittim which was in the plain of Moab, until I brought you into the promised land.

(d) That is, the truth of his promise and his manifold benefits toward you.

6:5 Shittim - This is the place where Balak began by the women of Midian to debauch Israel as Baalim had counselled, and so continued to do, even to Gilgal, all along the borders of his dominion. The righteousness - His mercy, justice and veracity.

6:1-5 The people are called upon to declare why they were weary of God's worship, and prone to idolatry. Sin causes the controversy between God and man. God reasons with us, to teach us to reason with ourselves. Let them remember God's many favours to them and their fathers, and compare with them their unworthy, ungrateful conduct toward him.

Acts Balaam Balak Beor Consulted Counsel Counseled Devised Gilgal Mind Moab Remember Righteous Righteousness Saving Shittim Upright

Acts Balaam Balak Beor Consulted Counsel Counseled Devised Gilgal Mind Moab Remember Righteous Righteousness Saving Shittim Upright