Ahab Ahab's Astonishment Bear Cause Counsels Derision Designs Desolation Destruction Devices Family Followed Giving Guided Habitually Hisses Hissing Inhabitants Kept Laws Nations Observed Omri Peoples Practices Reproach Ruin Scorn Shame Statutes Thereof Traditions Walk Walked Wonder Works

6:16 For the {m} statutes of Omri are kept, and all the works of the house of Ahab, and ye walk in their counsels; that I should make thee a desolation, and the inhabitants thereof an hissing: therefore ye shall bear the reproach of my people.

(m) You have received all the corruption and idolatry with which the ten tribes were infected under Omri and Ahab his son: and to excuse your doings, you allege the King's authority by his statutes, and also wisdom and policy in so doing, but you will not escape punishment. But as I have shown you great favour, and taken you for my people, so will your plagues be according as your sins; Lu 12:47.

6:16 The statutes - The idolatrous worship was set up by Omri in the royal city. Ye - O house of Israel. That I should make thee - This will be the event. Thereof - Of the land. The reproach - The reproach threatened in the law, if my people forsake me.

6:9-16 God, having showed how necessary it was that they should do justly, here shows how plain it was that they had done unjustly. This voice of the Lord says to all, Hear the rod when it is coming, before you see it, and feel it. Hear the rod when it is come, and you are sensible of the smart; hear what counsels, what cautions it speaks. The voice of God is to be heard in the rod of God. Those who are dishonest in their dealings shall never be reckoned pure, whatever shows of devotion they may make. What is got by fraud and oppression, cannot be kept or enjoyed with satisfaction. What we hold closest we commonly lose soonest. Sin is a root of bitterness, soon planted, but not soon plucked up again. Their being the people of God in name and profession, while they kept themselves in his love, was an honour to them; but now, being backsliders, their having been once the people of God turns to their reproach.

Ahab Ahab's Astonishment Bear Counsels Derision Desolation Destruction Devices Followed Hissing House Inhabitants Kept Observed Omri Peoples Practices Reproach Ruin Scorn Statutes Thereof Traditions Walk Walked Works

Ahab Ahab's Astonishment Bear Counsels Derision Desolation Destruction Devices Followed Hissing House Inhabitants Kept Observed Omri Peoples Practices Reproach Ruin Scorn Statutes Thereof Traditions Walk Walked Works