Animals Beasts Bits Crushed Deliver Deliverer Flock Flocks Foot Forest Gentiles Goes Jacob Lion Mangles Mass Mauls Middle Midst Nations None Passed Passes Peoples Pieces Pulled Ranks Remnant Rescue Rest Saviour Sheep Teareth Tears Torn Tramples Treadeth Treads Trodden Woods Yea

5:8 As a lion - For strength and courage, which the beasts of the forest dare not oppose, and cannot resist.

5:7-15 The remnant of Israel, converted to Christ in the primitive times, were among many nations as the drops of dew, and were made instruments in calling a large increase of spiritual worshippers. But to those who neglected or opposed this salvation, they would, as lions, cause terror, their doctrine condemning them. The Lord also declares that he would cause not only the reformation of the Jews, but the purification of the Christian church. In like manner shall we be assured of victory in our personal conflicts, as we simply depend upon the Lord our salvation, worship him, and serve him with diligence.

Animals Beasts Deliver Flocks Forest Gentiles Goes Jacob Lion Midst Nations Peoples Pieces Remnant Sheep Teareth Tears Treadeth Treads Young

Animals Beasts Deliver Flocks Forest Gentiles Goes Jacob Lion Midst Nations Peoples Pieces Remnant Sheep Teareth Tears Treadeth Treads Young