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2:4 In that day shall [one] take up a parable against you, and lament with a doleful lamentation, [and] say, {b} We be utterly spoiled: he hath changed the portion of my people: how hath he removed [it] from me! turning away he hath divided our fields.

(b) Thus the Jews lament and say that there is no hope of restitution, seeing their possessions are divided among the enemies.

2:4 A parable - A taunting proverb. And lament - Your friends for you, and you for yourselves. He - God. Portion - Their wealth, plenty, freedom, joy and honour, into poverty, famine, servitude, grief and dishonour. How - How dreadfully hath God dealt with Israel; removing their persons into captivity, and transferring their possession to their enemies? Turning away - Turning away from us in displeasure. God hath divided our fields among others.

2:1-5 Woe to the people that devise evil during the night, and rise early to carry it into execution! It is bad to do mischief on a sudden thought, much worse to do it with design and forethought. It is of great moment to improve and employ hours of retirement and solitude in a proper manner. If covetousness reigns in the heart, compassion is banished; and when the heart is thus engaged, violence and fraud commonly occupy the hands. The most haughty and secure in prosperity, are commonly most ready to despair in adversity. Woe to those from whom God turns away! Those are the sorest calamities which cut us off from the congregation of the Lord, or cut us short in the enjoyment of its privileges.

Assigns Changed Changeth Divided Divideth Doleful Fields Grievous Indeed Instead Lament Parable People's Portion Possession Remove Removed Restoring Ruined Spoiled Taunt Traitors Turning Utter Utterly Wasted

Assigns Changed Changeth Divided Divideth Doleful Fields Grievous Indeed Instead Lament Parable People's Portion Possession Remove Removed Restoring Ruined Spoiled Taunt Traitors Turning Utter Utterly Wasted