Accordingly Across Board Boat Crossed Crossing Entered Getting Got Passed Ship Town

9:1 And he {1} entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his {a} own city.

(1) Sins are the cause of our afflictions, and Christ only forgives them if we believe.

(a) Into Capernaum, for as Theophylact says, Bethlehem brought him forth, Nazareth brought him up, and Capernaum was his dwelling place.

9:1 Miracles at Capernaum and on the Sea


The Leper Healed. The Servant of the Centurion Healed. Great Faith. Sitting in the Kingdom with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. Children of the Kingdom Cast Out. Following Christ. The Storm on the Sea. The Disciples in Terror. The Storm Quelled at His Voice. The Gergesene Demoniacs Healed. The Swine Perish in the Sea.

He entered into a ship. The last chapter left the Savior in the country of the Gadarenes on the eastern side of the lake. He now returns to Capernaum.

Came into his own city. Capernaum, so called because, after leaving Nazareth, he made Capernaum his Galilean home.

9:1 His own city - Capernaum, Matt 4:13. Mark 5:18; Luke 8:37.

9:1-8 The faith of the friends of the paralytic in bringing him to Christ, was a strong faith; they firmly believed that Jesus Christ both could and would heal him. A strong faith regards no obstacles in pressing after Christ. It was a humble faith; they brought him to attend on Christ. It was an active faith. Sin may be pardoned, yet the sickness not be removed; the sickness may be removed, yet the sin not pardoned: but if we have the comfort of peace with God, with the comfort of recovery from sickness, this makes the healing a mercy indeed. This is no encouragement to sin. If thou bring thy sins to Jesus Christ, as thy malady and misery to be cured of, and delivered from, it is well; but to come with them, as thy darlings and delight, thinking still to retain them and receive him, is a gross mistake, a miserable delusion. The great intention of the blessed Jesus in the redemption he wrought, is to separate our hearts from sin. Our Lord Jesus has perfect knowledge of all that we say within ourselves. There is a great deal of evil in sinful thoughts, which is very offensive to the Lord Jesus. Christ designed to show that his great errand to the world was, to save his people from their sins. He turned from disputing with the scribes, and spake healing to the sick man. Not only he had no more need to be carried upon his bed, but he had strength to carry it. God must be glorified in all the power that is given to do good.

Accordingly Board Boat City Crossed Crossing Entered Getting Jesus Passed Sea Ship Stepped

Accordingly Board Boat City Crossed Crossing Entered Getting Jesus Passed Sea Ship Stepped