Anyone Appointed Bring Careful Commanded Evidence Gift Mayest Nobody Nothing Offer Offering Ordained Ordered Present Priest Proof Says Shew Testimony Thyself Witness

8:4 Tell no man. This was forbidden until the man was officially declared to be healed. He could not enter society until the priests had so declared. To blaze the story abroad as a miracle of Jesus might prevent such a declaration on account of prejudice. Besides, the Lord often forbade noising abroad his cures, for various reasons, chiefly because the multitude so thronged him.

Offer the gift that Moses commanded. See Le 14:10,22,30,31.

For a testimony. An official proof of the miracle.

8:4 See thou tell no man - Perhaps our Lord only meant here, Not till thou hast showed thyself to the priest - who was appointed to inquire into the case of leprosy. But many others he commanded, absolutely, to tell none of tho miracles he had wrought upon them. And this he seems to have done, chiefly for one or more of these reasons: To prevent the multitude from thronging him, in the manner related Mark 1:45. To fulfil the prophecy, Isaiah 42:1, that he would not be vain or ostentatious. This reason St. Matthew assigns, Matt 12:17, and c. To avoid the being taken by force and made a king, John 6:15. And, That he might not enrage the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees, who were the most bitter against him, any more than was unavoidable, Matt 16:20,21. For a testimony - That I am the Messiah; to them - The priests, who otherwise might have pleaded want of evidence. Lev 14:2.

8:2-4 In these verses we have an account of Christ's cleansing a leper, who came and worshipped him, as one clothed with Divine power. This cleansing directs us, not only to apply to Christ, who has power over bodily diseases, for the cure of them, but it also teaches us in what manner to apply to him. When we cannot be sure of God's will, we may be sure of his wisdom and mercy. No guilt is so great, but there is that in Christ's blood which atones for it; no corruption so strong, but there is that in his grace which can subdue it. To be made clean we must commend ourselves to his pity; we cannot demand it as a debt, but we must humbly request it as a favour. Those who by faith apply to Christ for mercy and grace, may be sure that he is freely willing to give them the mercy and grace they thus seek. And those afflictions are blessed that bring us to know Christ, and cause us to seek help and salvation from him. Let those who are cleansed from their spiritual leprosy, go to Christ's ministers and open their case, that they may advise, comfort, and pray for them.

Appointed Careful Commanded Evidence Gift Jesus Mayest Moses Nobody Offer Offering Ordained Ordered Present Priest Proof Shew Show Testimony Thyself Way Witness

Appointed Careful Commanded Evidence Gift Jesus Mayest Moses Nobody Offer Offering Ordained Ordered Present Priest Proof Shew Show Testimony Thyself Way Witness