FALSE Beware Clothing Cruel Disguise Ferocious Fleeces Heed Inside Inwardly Prophets Ravening Ravenous Sheep's Teachers Watch Within Wolves

7:15 {6} Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

(6) False teachers must be taken heed of: and they are known by false doctrine and evil living.

7:15 Beware of false prophets. The word prophet, as used in the Scriptures, means any one who teaches authoritatively the will of God. A false prophet is one who is a false teacher. Christ refers to the scribes and Pharisees.

Come to you in sheep's clothing. While appearing as harmless as sheep they are wolves.

7:15 Beware of false prophets - Who in their preaching describe a broad way to heaven: it is their prophesying, their teaching the broad way, rather than their walking in it themselves, that is here chiefly spoken of. All those are false prophets, who teach any other way than that our Lord hath here marked out. In sheep's clothing - With outside religion and fair professions of love: Wolves - Not feeding, but destroying souls.

7:15-20 Nothing so much prevents men from entering the strait gate, and becoming true followers of Christ, as the carnal, soothing, flattering doctrines of those who oppose the truth. They may be known by the drift and effects of their doctrines. Some part of their temper and conduct is contrary to the mind of Christ. Those opinions come not from God that lead to sin.

Beneath Beware Clothing Cruel Disguise Ferocious Heed Inside Inwardly Prophets Ravening Ravenous Sheep's Teachers Watch Within Wolves

Beneath Beware Clothing Cruel Disguise Ferocious Heed Inside Inwardly Prophets Ravening Ravenous Sheep's Teachers Watch Within Wolves