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6:2 Therefore when thou doest [thine] alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the {b} hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

(b) Counterfeits, for hypocrites were players that played a part in a play.

6:2 Therefore when thou doest [thine] alms. This is the first example. The wrong way, that of the hypocrites, is described. The Greek word rendered hypocrite means a theatrical actor, one who is not real, but acts a part. Their method was to give ostentatiously. In our age the world rings with the praises of the millionaire who gives a few thousands, but is silent concerning the humble ones who have taken from their necessities and given to the same cause.

Do not sound a trumpet before thee. This seems to be a proverbial expression to denote the making of a thing publicly known. The meaning is, when you give to the poor, do not make a show of it.

Hypocrite. A Grecian actor. The actors wore masks and appeared to be somebody else than they really were. So, too, the religious hypocrites.

6:2 As the hypocrites do - Many of the scribes and Pharisees did this, under a pretence of calling the poor together. They have their reward - All they will have; for they shall have none from God.

6:1-4 Our Lord next warned against hypocrisy and outward show in religious duties. What we do, must be done from an inward principle, that we may be approved of God, not that we may be praised of men. In these verses we are cautioned against hypocrisy in giving alms. Take heed of it. It is a subtle sin; and vain-glory creeps into what we do, before we are aware. But the duty is not the less necessary and excellent for being abused by hypocrites to serve their pride. The doom Christ passes, at first may seem a promise, but it is their reward; not the reward God promises to those who do good, but the reward hypocrites promise themselves, and a poor reward it is; they did it to be seen of men, and they are seen of men. When we take least notice of our good deeds ourselves, God takes most notice of them. He will reward thee; not as a master who gives his servant what he earns, and no more, but as a Father who gives abundantly to his son that serves him.

Alms Announce Blow Charity Deeds Full Glory Honored Hypocrites Kindness Mayest Merciful Needy Noise Order Poor Praised Praises Received Reward Sound Streets Synagogues Trumpet Trumpets Truth Verily Whenever

Alms Announce Blow Charity Deeds Full Glory Honored Hypocrites Kindness Mayest Merciful Needy Noise Order Poor Praised Praises Received Reward Sound Streets Synagogues Trumpet Trumpets Truth Verily Whenever