Blow Cheek Evil Face Force Gives Resist Slap Slaps Smite Smiteth Someone Strike Strikes Turn Wicked

5:39 Resist not evil. Jesus does not forbid the judicial application of the law, but personal revenge, such as was common among the Jews. Instead of turning upon those who injure us, and becoming a party to personal broils, it is the duty of Christians to suffer meekly.

Turn to him the other. This must be the Christian spirit, the great law of love, which endureth all things (1Co 13:7). This is not a code to be slavishly observed in the letter, but its spirit must always be preserved. For the application, see Joh 18:22 Ac 23:3.

5:39 But I say unto you, that ye resist not the evil man - Thus; the Greek word translated resist signifies standing in battle array, striving for victory. If a man smite thee on the right cheek - Return not evil for evil: yea, turn to him the other - Rather than revenge thyself.

5:38-42 The plain instruction is, Suffer any injury that can be borne, for the sake of peace, committing your concerns to the Lord's keeping. And the sum of all is, that Christians must avoid disputing and striving. If any say, Flesh and blood cannot pass by such an affront, let them remember, that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God; and those who act upon right principles will have most peace and comfort.

Blow Cheek Evil Face Force Gives Other Resist Right Side Slap Slaps Smite Smiteth Someone Strike Strikes Turn Turned Use Wicked

Blow Cheek Evil Face Force Gives Other Resist Right Side Slap Slaps Smite Smiteth Someone Strike Strikes Turn Turned Use Wicked