Adulteress TRUE Adultery Anyone Cause Causes Causeth Commit Commits Committeth Divorced Divorces Except Fornication Ground Husband Immorality Lewdness Loss Makes Maketh Marital Marries Marry Matter Puts Putteth Reason Save Saving Sexual Takes Unchastity Unfaithfulness Virtue Whoredom Wife

5:31,32 Whosoever shall put away his wife. The divorce laws were very lax among the Jews. A man could put away his wife for any cause (Mt 19:8). Moses directed a legal letter of divorcement (De 24:1). Christ positively forbids divorce except for unchastity. Marriage is a divine institution, and the obligation is for life (Mt 19:3-9; Ro 7:1-3 1Co 7:10-17).

5:32 Causeth her to commit adultery - If she marry again.

5:27-32 Victory over the desires of the heart, must be attended with painful exertions. But it must be done. Every thing is bestowed to save us from our sins, not in them. All our senses and powers must be kept from those things which lead to transgression. Those who lead others into temptation to sin, by dress or in other ways, or leave them in it, or expose them to it, make themselves guilty of their sin, and will be accountable for it. If painful operations are submitted to, that our lives may be saved, what ought our minds to shrink from, when the salvation of our souls is concerned? There is tender mercy under all the Divine requirements, and the grace and consolations of the Spirit will enable us to attend to them.

Adulteress Adultery Cause Causes Causeth Commit Commits Committeth Divorced Divorces Except False. Fornication Ground Husband Immorality Makes Maketh Marital Marries Marry Puts Putteth Reason Saving Sexual Unfaithfulness Virtue Wife

Adulteress Adultery Cause Causes Causeth Commit Commits Committeth Divorced Divorces Except False. Fornication Ground Husband Immorality Makes Maketh Marital Marries Marry Puts Putteth Reason Saving Sexual Unfaithfulness Virtue Wife