Bowed Bowing Braided Cane Crown Front Hail Jews Knee Kneeled Kneeling Knees Knelt Mocked Mockery Mocking Plaited Plaiting Platted Reed Rod Saying Sceptre Shouted Sport Staff Thorns Thorny Twigs Twisted Twisting Woven Wreath

27:29 A crown of thorns. Both in mockery and for torture.

And a reed in his right hand. For a scepter. Having thus arrayed him, in royal robe, crown of thorns, and mock scepter, they kneel before him and deride him.

27:26-30 Crucifixion was a death used only among the Romans; it was very terrible and miserable. A cross was laid on the ground, to which the hands and feet were nailed, it was then lifted up and fixed upright, so that the weight of the body hung on the nails, till the sufferer died in agony. Christ thus answered the type of the brazen serpent raised on a pole. Christ underwent all the misery and shame here related, that he might purchase for us everlasting life, and joy, and glory.

Bowed Bowing Braided Cane Crown Hail Hand Head Jews Knee Kneeled Kneeling Knees Live Mocked Mockery Mocking Plaiting Platted Reed Right Rod Sceptre Shouted Sport Thorns Thorny Twigs Twisted Woven Wreath

Bowed Bowing Braided Cane Crown Hail Hand Head Jews Knee Kneeled Kneeling Knees Live Mocked Mockery Mocking Plaiting Platted Reed Right Rod Sceptre Shouted Sport Thorns Thorny Twigs Twisted Woven Wreath