Arise During Fear Feast Feast-day Festival Lest Occur Otherwise Riot Saying Trouble Tumult Uproar

26:5 But they said, Not on the {a} feast [day], lest there be an uproar among the people.

(a) By the word feast is meant the whole feast of unleavened bread: the first and eighth day of which were so holy that they were not allowed to do any work on it, though the whole company of the Sanhedrin determined otherwise: And yet it came to pass through God's providence, that Christ suffered at that time, so that all the people of Israel might be witnesses of his everlasting sacrifice.

26:5 Not on the feast [day]. During the passover there were millions of Jews in Jerusalem. Josephus says that in A.D. 65, three million were present. There were often tumults at the passover, and it was feared that the arrest of Jesus would arouse one. On such occasions the Romans suppressed the disturbance without mercy.

26:5 But they said, Not at the feast - This was the result of human wisdom. But when Judas came they changed their purpose. So the counsel of God took place, and the true paschal Lamb was offered up on the great day of the paschal solemnity.

26:1-5 Our Lord had often told of his sufferings as at a distance, now he speaks of them as at hand. At the same time the Jewish council consulted how they might put him to death secretly. But it pleased God to defeat their intention. Jesus, the true paschal Lamb, was to be sacrificed for us at that very time, and his death and resurrection rendered public.

Arise Fear Feast Feast-Day Festival Occur Otherwise Riot Trouble Tumult Uproar

Arise Fear Feast Feast-Day Festival Occur Otherwise Riot Trouble Tumult Uproar