Bread Disciples Eat Feast Meal Passover Preparations Prepare Question Ready Saying Unleavened Wilt

26:17 {6} Now {g} the first [day] of the [feast of] unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?

(6) Christ purposing to bring us into our country without delay and so, to pay the penalty of the law, truly fulfils the law, omitting the contrary tradition and custom of the Jews: and thus shows that all things will so come to pass by the ministry of men as governed by the secret plan of God.

(g) This was the fourteenth day of the first month: now the first day of unleavened bread should have been the fifteenth, but because the evening of this day (which after the manner of the Romans was referred to the day before) belonged by the Jews' manner to the day following, therefore it is called the first day of unleavened bread.

26:17 The first [day] of the [feast of] unleavened bread. Strictly speaking, the 15th of Nisan (part of our March and April), after the paschal lamb was killed, but here the 14th day (Thursday). See Ex 12:16. This suggests one of the most difficult questions of Scripture chronology, whether the Lord at the passover one day before the regular Jewish passover, or at the usual time. Pressense, Milman Ellicott, Townsend, Alford, Neander, Farrar, and many other great authorities, hold that he ate it the day preceding, and died on the day and about the time the Jewish passover lambs were slain. The statements of John, that the supper was eaten, the Lord betrayed and condemned before the passover, seem positive (Joh 19:14).

Where wilt thou that we prepare... the passover? The passover must be eaten in the place where the Lord's name was recorded, or where the tabernacle or temple was located, according to the directions given in De 16:1-15.

26:17 On the first day of unleavened bread - Being Thursday, the fourteenth day of the first month, Exod 12:6,15. Mr 14:12 Lu 22:7

26:17-25 Observe, the place for their eating the passover was pointed out by Christ to the disciples. He knows those hidden ones who favour his cause, and will graciously visit all who are willing to receive him. The disciples did as Jesus had appointed. Those who would have Christ's presence in the gospel passover, must do what he says. It well becomes the disciples of Christ always to be jealous over themselves, especially in trying times. We know not how strongly we may be tempted, nor how far God may leave us to ourselves, therefore we have reason not to be high-minded, but to fear. Heart-searching examination and fervent prayer are especially proper before the Lord's supper, that, as Christ our Passover is now sacrificed for us, we may keep this feast, renewing our repentance, our faith in his blood, and surrendering ourselves to his service.

Bread Disciples Eat Feast First Food Jesus Meal Passover Preparations Prepare Question Ready Unleavened Want Wilt

Bread Disciples Eat Feast First Food Jesus Meal Passover Preparations Prepare Question Ready Unleavened Want Wilt