Better Cast Cause Causes Causeth Causing Enter Eye Fall Fiery Fire Gehenna Gouge Hell Hell-fire Offend One-eyed Pluck Possession Rather Sin Stumble Tear Throw Thrown Trouble

18:9 Into hell fire. Into the Gehenna of fire. This phrase is synonymous with everlasting fire, in Mt 18:8. See PNT Mt 5:22, for Gehenna.

18:8-9 If thy hand, foot, eye, cause thee to offend - If the most dear enjoyment, the most beloved and useful person, turn thee out of, or hinder thee in the way Is not this a hard saying? Yes; if thou take counsel with flesh and blood. Matt 5:29; Mark 9:43.

18:7-14 Considering the cunning and malice of Satan, and the weakness and depravity of men's hearts, it is not possible but that there should be offences. God permits them for wise and holy ends, that those who are sincere, and those who are not, may be made known. Being told before, that there will be seducers, tempters, persecutors, and bad examples, let us stand on our guard. We must, as far as lawfully we may, part with what we cannot keep without being entangled by it in sin. The outward occasions of sin must be avoided. If we live after the flesh, we must die. If we, through the Spirit, mortify the deeds of the body, we shall live. Christ came into the world to save souls, and he will reckon severely with those who hinder the progress of others who are setting their faces heavenward. And shall any of us refuse attention to those whom the Son of God came to seek and to save? A father takes care of all his children, but is particularly tender of the little ones.

Better Cast Cause Causes Causeth Causing Enter Eye Eyes Fall Fiery Fire Gehenna Good Gouge Hell Hell-Fire Life Offend One-Eyed Pluck Possession Rather Sin Stumble Tear Thrown Trouble

Better Cast Cause Causes Causeth Causing Enter Eye Eyes Fall Fiery Fire Gehenna Good Gouge Hell Hell-Fire Life Offend One-Eyed Pluck Possession Rather Sin Stumble Tear Thrown Trouble