Boy Child Convulsed Convulsing Convulsions Corpse Cried Cry Crying Dead Fit Forth Greatly He's Insomuch Loud Rent Severely Shaking Shrieked Sore Spirit Terrible Terribly Threw Throwing Torn Violently

9:26 {5} And [the spirit] cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead.

(5) The nearer that the virtue of Christ is the far greater Satan rages.

9:26 [The spirit] cried, and rent him sore. The evil spirit obeys most reluctantly and seeks to destroy one whom it can no longer use. The paroxysm of departure was fearful, and left the boy exhausted and as dead.

9:26 Having rent him sore - So does even the body sometimes suffer, when God comes to deliver the soul from Satan.

9:14-29 The father of the suffering youth reflected on the want of power in the disciples; but Christ will have him reckon the disappointment to the want of faith. Very much is promised to our believing. If thou canst believe, it is possible that thy hard heart may be softened, thy spiritual diseases may be cured; and, weak as thou art, thou mayest be able to hold out to the end. Those that complain of unbelief, must look up to Christ for grace to help them against it, and his grace will be sufficient for them. Whom Christ cures, he cures effectually. But Satan is unwilling to be driven from those that have been long his slaves, and, when he cannot deceive or destroy the sinner, he will cause him all the terror that he can. The disciples must not think to do their work always with the same ease; some services call for more than ordinary pains.

Boy Child Convulsed Convulsing Convulsions Corpse Cried Cry Crying Dead Fit Forth Greatly He's Insomuch Loud Part Rent Severely Shaking Sore Spirit Terrible Terribly Threw Throwing Violently

Boy Child Convulsed Convulsing Convulsions Corpse Cried Cry Crying Dead Fit Forth Greatly He's Insomuch Loud Part Rent Severely Shaking Sore Spirit Terrible Terribly Threw Throwing Violently