Blessed Brake Bread Broke Broken Cakes Commanded Commandeth Crowd Directed Disciples Distribute Distributed Giving Ground Loaves Multitude Passed Portions Praise Proceeded Seated Serve Served Seven Sit Started Taking Thanks

8:1-10 Our Lord Jesus encouraged the meanest to come to him for life and grace. Christ knows and considers our frames. The bounty of Christ is always ready; to show that, he repeated this miracle. His favours are renewed, as our wants and necessities are. And those need not fear want, who have Christ to live upon by faith, and do so with thanksgiving.

Blessed Brake Bread Broke Broken Cakes Commanded Commandeth Directed Disciples Distribute Distributed Earth Ground Loaves Multitude Passed Portions Praise Proceeded Seated Serve Served Seven Sit Started Thanks Word

Blessed Brake Bread Broke Broken Cakes Commanded Commandeth Directed Disciples Distribute Distributed Earth Ground Loaves Multitude Passed Portions Praise Proceeded Seated Serve Served Seven Sit Started Thanks Word