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4:37 {6} And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.

(6) They that sail with Christ, although he seems to sleep ever so soundly when they are in danger, yet they are preserved by him in due time, being awakened.

4:37 There arose a great storm of wind. See notes on Mt 8:23-27. Compare Lu 8:22-25. The Sea of Galilee lies 600 feet below the level of the Mediterranean and has a tropical climate. Only a short distance north are the high mountains of Lebanon. The heated air about the sea invites the rush of cold waves from the mountains.

4:35-41 Christ was asleep in the storm, to try the faith of his disciples, and to stir them up to pray. Their faith appeared weak, and their prayers strong. When our wicked hearts are like the troubled sea which cannot rest, when our passions are unruly, let us think we hear the law of Christ, saying, Be silent, be dumb. When without are fightings, and within are fears, and the spirits are in a tumult, if he say, Peace, be still, there is a great calm at once. Why are ye so fearful? Though there may be cause for some fear, yet not for such fear as this. Those may suspect their faith, who can have such a thought as that Jesus careth not though his people perish. How imperfect are the best of saints! Faith and fear take their turns while we are in this world; but ere long, fear will be overcome, and faith will be lost in sight.

Already Beat Big Boat Dashing Fast Fierce Filled Filling Full Furious Gale Great Heavy Insomuch Nearly Ship Squall Storm Swamped Violent Waves Wind

Already Beat Big Boat Dashing Fast Fierce Filled Filling Full Furious Gale Great Heavy Insomuch Nearly Ship Squall Storm Swamped Violent Waves Wind