Anger Angry Arm Completely Deeply Distressed Forth Grieved Hardening Hardness Healthy Heart Hearts Indignant Restored Round Sad Says Stretch Stretched Stubborn

3:5 And when he had looked round about on them {c} with anger, being grieved for the {d} hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched [it] out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.

(c) Men are angry when they have wrong done to them, but not without sin: but Christ is angry without sin, and he is not sorry for the injury that is done to him as much as he is for their wickedness; and therefore he had pity upon them, and because of that he is said to have been grieved.

(d) As though their heart had been closed up and had grown together, so that wholesome doctrine had no effect upon them.

3:5 Looked round about on them with anger. Indignation.

Hardness of their hearts. Shown by their fault finding, evil thoughts, and silence by his questions.

3:5 Looking round upon them with anger, being grieved - Angry at the sin, grieved at the sinner; the true standard of Christian anger. But who can separate anger at sin from anger at the sinner? None but a true believer in Christ.

3:1-5 This man's case was piteous; he had a withered hand, which disabled him from working for his living; and those that are so, are the most proper objects of charity. Let those be helped that cannot help themselves. But stubborn infidels, when they can say nothing against the truth, yet will not yield. We hear what is said amiss, and see what is done amiss; but Christ looks at the root of bitterness in the heart, the blindness and hardness of that, and is grieved. Let hard-hearted sinners tremble to think of the anger with which he will look upon them shortly, when the day of his wrath comes. The great healing day now is the sabbath, and the healing place the house of prayer; but the healing power is of Christ. The gospel command is like that recorded here: though our hands are withered, yet, if we will not stretch them out, it is our own fault that we are not healed. But if we are healed, Christ, his power and grace, must have all the glory.

Anger Angry Arm Completely Deeply Distressed Forth Grieved Hand Hard Hardening Hardness Healthy Heart Hearts Indignant Looked Restored Round Sad Stretch Stretched Whole

Anger Angry Arm Completely Deeply Distressed Forth Grieved Hand Hard Hardening Hardness Healthy Heart Hearts Indignant Looked Restored Round Sad Stretch Stretched Whole